Temporal zone treatment

Tratamiento de relleno de zonas temporales con ácido hialurónico.

El aporte de volumen del ácido hialurónico en este tratamiento médico estético es un factor muy interesante que especialmente interesa a personas de rostro muy delgado, en los que la piel ha perdido soporte y se hunde en las sienes, dejando traslucir la forma del cráneo.

Nasolabial folds: treatment with hyaluronic acid

Surcos nasogenianos: tratamiento estético facial con ácido hialurónico.

Tras evaluar la profundidad de las arrugas, se aplica crema anestésica y se realizan microinyecciones precisas de ácido hialurónico en los surcos nasogenianos. Posteriormente, es normal experimentar inflamación leve que desaparece rápidamente.

Chin filler with hyaluronic acid: Facial aesthetic treatment.

Relleno de mentón con ácido hialurónico, tratamiento estético facial.

El ácido hialurónico se emplea para dar volumen al mentón de una manera natural y atractiva, ayudando a recuperar su estética facial. El relleno de mentón es la mejor opción para elevar y eliminar el mentón retraído, ofreciendo un aspecto equilibrado y natural a la cara. El realce debe de ser suave ofreciendo al paciente un contorno facial más definido.

Marionette lines: treatment with hyaluronic acid.

Tratamiento de las líneas de marioneta y pliegues de amargura con ácido hialurónico.

Las líneas de marioneta y los pliegues de amargura son arrugas que afectan la sonrisa y el rostro, siendo el ácido hialurónico un tratamiento muy adecuado y extendido para combatirlas. Estas arrugas suelen aparecer con la edad y pueden prevenirse con cuidados adecuados.

Treatment of the lip perimeter or "bar code" with hyaluronic acid.

Image of a mature woman with furrows and wrinkles in the upper area of the lip perimeter.

The perioral area, mainly above the upper lip, which we can observe when we make the gesture of giving a kiss, loses its hydration and elasticity and, over time, visible wrinkles appear as symptoms of the aging of our skin and the gestures of the day to day. These wrinkles tend to be more marked in smokers. Hyaluronic acid is the perfect ally to restore elasticity to the area, eliminating folds and smoothing the skin.

Restructuring of the mandibular angle

Image of a restructuring of the male mandibular angle with hyaluronic acid.

Thanks to this treatment, we will achieve greater definition and harmonization of the mandibular area, creating a more uniform contour of the mandibular angle and ridge, also improving sagging with natural and long-lasting results.

lip treatment

Image of a hyaluronic acid infiltration in a medical aesthetic lip treatment.

It is one of the most demanded treatments in current aesthetic medicine, since thanks to the infiltration of hyaluronic acid, we manage to improve various characteristics of the lips to achieve more harmonious results that give beauty to the face. Hyaluronic acid is a substance produced naturally by the body and is injected into specific areas of the lips. One of its main characteristics is its high water absorption capacity so, in addition to providing volume, it deeply hydrates.

Rhinomodeling with hyaluronic acid

Rhinomodeling with hyaluronic acid is a non-surgical aesthetic treatment that allows you to correct and improve the shape of the nose immediately and without risks. Unlike traditional rhinoplasty, this procedure is temporary and offers natural, personalized results. Consult with Doctor Nelson Cáceres for more information about this alternative to invasive surgery.

Treatment of dark circles with hyaluronic acid

Treatment of dark circles with hyaluronic acid is a popular option in aesthetic medicine to rejuvenate the face. This non-surgical procedure uses hyaluronic acid infiltrations to eliminate the appearance of tired eyes. The results are visible immediately and can last between 9 and 12 months.

Cheekbone restructuring

Cheek restructuring with hyaluronic acid is a non-surgical aesthetic procedure that seeks to improve facial appearance and harmony. Through precise infiltrations of hyaluronic acid in anatomically defined points, it is possible to reposition and give volume to the cheekbones, counteracting the effects of aging.

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