This page contains information to help you get the most out of this website.

We have designed the website of the aesthetic medicine consultation from Dr. Nelson Cáceres to simplify its use as much as possible. However, some features, such as multimedia content, may be new to you. This page contains information to help you with those functions and to help you get the most out of this website.

Website requirements

To view the multimedia files on Dr. Nelson Cáceres' website, the following software is required:

Browser Web

We recommend using a current browser, such as:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari

PDF documents

To read PDF documents, you may need the free program Adobe Reader.

PDF documents

There are many PDF documents available on the Gladfour website. They contain more information than can generally fit on a web page and have the added value of being formatted for easy printing.

What are PDF files?

PDF (Portable Document Format) files allow documents to be read and shared in different types of applications and computer systems. They are much better suited for longer documents than a web page and have the added benefit of being easy to print. The PDF format was created by Adobe and to read documents in this format, you must install the Adobe Reader program. It's free, downloads quickly and is easy to install.

How do I get Adobe Reader?

Download Adobe Reader

Before starting the installation, we recommend closing the web browser as Adobe Reader may be integrated into it and the operation may not be successful if it is open. Follow the installation instructions until the process is complete.

How do I get the most out of PDF documents?

By using the icons on the Adobe Reader taskbar, you can enlarge small text and images. You can move around the page to examine different parts of the page. You can also click the print icon to send the document to the network printer. Most PDF documents have been optimized for printing, meaning they can be easily transferred from the Gladfour website to paper for reading at your leisure. Also, if you use the save icon, you can save the document to your computer to read or print it whenever you want without having to revisit the web page where you found the original link.


The website of Dr. Nelson Cáceres' aesthetic medicine practice is constantly expanding with the addition of new content. The most important information is highlighted on our pages. However, there is also much additional material that can be located using the search function.

How is information distributed on Dr. Nelson Cáceres' website?

The website is divided into sections, each connected to different aesthetic medicine treatments. The sections are “Hyaluronic acid”, “Hair”, “Neuromodulators” and “Skin quality”. In turn, treatments are classified within these sections. For example, in “Hyaluronic acid” you will find “Facial harmonization”, Fine and deep wrinkles” and “Cheekbone restructuring”, among others. As you navigate through these various parts of the website, you will find “high-level” information, that is, the material we consider most important and timely.

How do I search for specific information?

Dr. Nelson Cáceres' website has an integrated search engine. In the upper right corner of each page you will find a search field. Enter the keywords and click the button to perform the search. If you are looking for a specific phrase, put it in quotes. For example, if you type structured financial derivatives, the engine will search for documents that contain any of those words anywhere in the text. However, if you type “expression wrinkles” (in quotes), the search engine will only search for documents that contain the three words in that order.

How do I choose search terms?

Select the words that are most relevant to the topic you are searching for. Try to be as specific as possible and use more than one word if you can. Search engines do not take case into account, so it is not necessary to enter them, for example, in the case of proper names; The results will be the same whether you use upper or lower case. Common words like “and,” “where,” “as,” and “if” are also overlooked. Therefore, instead of writing “how can I find the latest rhinomodeling treatments”, it is only necessary to write “latest rhinomodeling treatments”. What's more, since the search results are sorted so that the most recent material appears first, you'll likely get the same result if you simply type “rhinomodeling treatments” in the search field.

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Rated with 5.0 out of 5 stars basadas en 54 opiniones de clientes.
Gema Rodriguez
Muy satisfecha con el tratamiento que me hiciste en la cara, yo siempre fui reticente, pero me dejé aconsejar por ti y no me arrepiento, me veo estupenda .
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Raquel Martin
Muy contenta con el Dr. Nelson Cáceres. En primer lugar por su profesionalidad, sin dejar de ser una persona super amable y cercana y en segundo lugar porque siempre está disponible para ayudarte, resolver dudas o explicarte lo que necesites Lo recomiendo 100%.
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Pedro Ro
Me realicé un tratamiento de rejuvenecimiento facial y quedé realmente sorprendido para bien con el resultado y la duracion.
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Rated with 5.0 out of 5 stars basadas en 54 opiniones de clientes.
Gema Rodriguez
Muy satisfecha con el tratamiento que me hiciste en la cara, yo siempre fui reticente, pero me dejé aconsejar por ti y no me arrepiento, me veo estupenda .
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Xiomara Gámez
Me he hecho una limpieza facial con oxyplus y vitaminas y también me puse ácido hialurónico en los labios y con ambas cosas he salido muy contenta. Lo recomiendo totalmente
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Raquel Martin
Muy contenta con el Dr. Nelson Cáceres. En primer lugar por su profesionalidad, sin dejar de ser una persona super amable y cercana y en segundo lugar porque siempre está disponible para ayudarte, resolver dudas o explicarte lo que necesites Lo recomiendo 100%.
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