Hair Treatments
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and mesotherapy are innovative treatments in the field of hair aesthetic medicine. PRP, which uses the patient's own plasma, is designed to stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth by taking advantage of the body's natural growth factors. On the other hand, hair mesotherapy involves the injection of vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly into the scalp, nourishing and revitalizing the hair from the roots. Both treatments offer a non-surgical solution to improve hair density and health, with results that give patients new confidence.

Key points

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and mesotherapy are innovative treatments in the field of hair aesthetic medicine. PRP, which uses the patient's own plasma, is designed to stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth by taking advantage of the body's natural growth factors. On the other hand, hair mesotherapy involves the injection of vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly into the scalp, nourishing and revitalizing the hair from the roots. Both treatments offer a non-surgical solution to improve hair density and health, with results that give patients new confidence.
Hair Treatments

Key points

Hair treatments with platelet-rich plasma and mesotherapy: Everything you need to know

Hair treatments with platelet-rich plasma and mesotherapy are increasingly widespread techniques to improve hair health. Platelet-rich plasma promotes tissue regeneration and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. On the other hand, hair mesotherapy nourishes hair follicles and improves blood circulation. These treatments are safe and effective in cases of hair loss.

Benefits of platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) offers a variety of benefits for hair health, improving hair quality and thickness. Below are the main positive aspects of this treatment:

Stimulation of hair growth

  • Actively stimulates hair growth, promoting the regeneration of hair follicles to achieve denser and healthier hair.
  • Helps reactivate follicles that are in a resting phase, promoting continuous and strengthened hair growth.

Tissue regeneration and collagen production

  • Promotes the regeneration of hair tissues, promoting the healing of possible injuries on the scalp.
  • Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, essential components to maintain the structure and elasticity of the hair.
  • Helps improve hair quality by nourishing it from the roots, providing a healthier and more vigorous appearance.

Application of PRP on the scalp

In hair treatment using platelet-rich plasma, PRP It is applied to the scalp through microinjections. This process allows platelets and growth factors to act directly on the affected area, thus stimulating tissue regeneration and the production of collagen and elastin.

  • PRP is distributed evenly on the scalp, ensuring that hair follicles receive the necessary nutrients to strengthen and revitalize hair.
  • Thanks to the localized application of PRP, greater effectiveness is achieved in stimulating hair growth and in improving hair quality, promoting its health and appearance.

Usefulness of PRP in specific cases of hair loss

  • Stimulates hair growth naturally and effectively, promoting the regeneration of hair follicles.
  • Helps in the production of collagen and elastin, which strengthens hair from the roots and improves its texture.
  • Beneficial for cases of androgenic alopecia, postpartum or induced by medical treatments, since it promotes hair recovery.
  • Contributes to greater hair density by stimulating the growth of new hair and strengthening existing ones.

Advantages of hair mesotherapy

Hair mesotherapy has several significant advantages to improve the health and appearance of hair.

Nutrition of hair follicles

  • Stimulates hair growth by nourishing the follicles from within.
  • The nutrients provided revitalize and strengthen hair from the root.
  • Increases the resistance of the follicles, promoting healthier and stronger hair.

Improved blood circulation

  • Increases oxygenation and blood flow on the scalp.
  • Stimulates the arrival of nutrients to the hair follicles, improving your health.
  • It helps maintain an environment conducive to optimal hair growth.

Recommendations and personalized evaluation

  • It is essential to make a consultation with Doctor Nelson Cáceres to receive a detailed evaluation of each patient's hair needs.
  • The specialist will determine the number of sessions necessary and the level of improvement that can be achieved in each individual case.
  • It is recommended to follow the recommendations of Doctor Nelson Cáceres to maintain the results over time and guarantee the health and beauty of the hair.

Effectiveness of treatments and maintenance of results

  • Hair treatments with platelet-rich plasma and mesotherapy offer effective results in tissue regeneration and stimulation of hair growth.
  • To maintain the results obtained, It is recommended to carry out several sessions throughout the year in order to strengthen the benefits acquired.
  • The effectiveness of treatments may vary depending on the patient., so it is important to carry out a personalized evaluation to determine the number of sessions necessary.
  • Consulting with Doctor Nelson Cáceres is essential to guarantee adequate follow-up and obtain the best results. in maintaining hair health.

Importance of consulting with Doctor Nelson Cáceres

Consulting with Doctor Nelson Cáceres is essential to obtain a personalized and effective hair treatment. Their experience in aesthetic medicine and their specialization in hair treatments guarantee optimal results to improve the health of your hair.

  • Doctor Nelson Cáceres will carry out a detailed evaluation of your case to determine the most appropriate treatment for your specific needs.
  • Having Doctor Nelson Cáceres will give you the peace of mind of being in the hands of a qualified professional committed to your hair well-being.
  • In addition, Doctor Nelson Cáceres will provide you with personalized recommendations for the care of your hair, before, during and after the treatment.

Do not hesitate to schedule your consultation with Doctor Nelson Cáceres to take the first step towards healthier and more beautiful hair.

hair treatments

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Gema Rodriguez
Muy satisfecha con el tratamiento que me hiciste en la cara, yo siempre fui reticente, pero me dejé aconsejar por ti y no me arrepiento, me veo estupenda .
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Pedro Ro
Me realicé un tratamiento de rejuvenecimiento facial y quedé realmente sorprendido para bien con el resultado y la duracion.
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Xiomara Gámez
Me he hecho una limpieza facial con oxyplus y vitaminas y también me puse ácido hialurónico en los labios y con ambas cosas he salido muy contenta. Lo recomiendo totalmente
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Rated with 5.0 out of 5 stars basadas en 54 opiniones de clientes.
Gema Rodriguez
Muy satisfecha con el tratamiento que me hiciste en la cara, yo siempre fui reticente, pero me dejé aconsejar por ti y no me arrepiento, me veo estupenda .
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Raquel Martin
Muy contenta con el Dr. Nelson Cáceres. En primer lugar por su profesionalidad, sin dejar de ser una persona super amable y cercana y en segundo lugar porque siempre está disponible para ayudarte, resolver dudas o explicarte lo que necesites Lo recomiendo 100%.
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Nerea Marín
Muchas gracias Nelson por la profesionalidad de aconsejarme que era lo que más necesitaba, siempre acorde con mi tipo de cara y mi edad. Ojalá hubiera más médicos como tú que saben cuando hay que poner límites. Muy muy satisfecha🥰
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