collagen stimulators
Collagen inducers, lifting without surgery.
Radiesse is one of the safest fillers, considered in aesthetic medicine as the most suitable product to treat facial sagging. It is completely reabsorbed and thanks to its viscosity, it does not migrate and maintains the natural expression of the face.

Key points

Radiesse is one of the safest fillers, considered in aesthetic medicine as the most suitable product to treat facial sagging. It is completely reabsorbed and thanks to its viscosity, it does not migrate and maintains the natural expression of the face.
collagen stimulators
Collagen inducers, lifting without surgery.

Key points

What is lifting without surgery?

Lifting without surgery or radiesse liquid lifting It is a collagen inducer for the skin used to reduce the effect of wrinkles and folds, providing an immediate lifting effect and stimulating collagen production naturally.

What is Radiesse?

This treatment consists of injecting calcium hydroxyapatite into the dermis providing firmness to the skin since its microspheres stimulate collagen production and the generation of new tissue increasing internal stretch in infiltrated areas.

This is one of the safest fillers, considered in aesthetic medicine as the most suitable product to treat facial sagging. It is completely reabsorbed and thanks to its viscosity, it does not migrate and maintains the natural expression of the face.

For more complete results, apply mixed with hyaluronic acid. providing the above described plus the properties of hyaluronic acid, leaving the skin smooth, supported, revitalized and hydrated.

Thanks to it we can achieve:

  • A facial lifting effect without surgery.
  • Correct wrinkles superficial and deep providing volume.
  • Smooth wrinkles and folds around the nose and mouth, including the nasolabial folds.
  • Volumize the cheekbones or the chin.
  • Disguise the double chin through vector augmentation.
  • Improve skin quality thanks to collagen stimulation.
  • Marking of the mandibular arch.

Other collagen inducers


Karisma is an injectable and resorbable medical product, is a soft and bioreparative filler, as it naturally restores pre-aging conditions, acting on the rejuvenation of the extracellular matrix.

This is guaranteed by a studied and calibrated dosage of its ingredients that allows a long-lasting and prolonged effect.


Correction of facial skin defects due to skin aging. Volume Loss Fix. Reduction of skin imperfections of the face or lips. Redefinition of the facial contour (when there is especially unstructured subcutaneous tissue). Filling small scars post-traumatic and/or surgical (for example, acne scars).

Increases the production of procollagen C peptide type 1 in fibroblasts. This type of peptide facilitates procollagen molecules to adopt a triple helix conformation within the endoplasmic reticulum. Has an anti-aging effect on the dermis: inhibits the action of the hyaluronidase enzyme and preserves endogenous hyaluronic acid, and while it remains in the tissues, it continues to carry out its deep hydration and tissue repair activity. Participates in the creation of a favorable environment for the proliferation and metabolism of fibroblasts.

Other quality skin treatments

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Rated with 5.0 out of 5 stars basadas en 54 opiniones de clientes.
Gema Rodriguez
Muy satisfecha con el tratamiento que me hiciste en la cara, yo siempre fui reticente, pero me dejé aconsejar por ti y no me arrepiento, me veo estupenda .
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Pedro Ro
Me realicé un tratamiento de rejuvenecimiento facial y quedé realmente sorprendido para bien con el resultado y la duracion.
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Raquel Martin
Muy contenta con el Dr. Nelson Cáceres. En primer lugar por su profesionalidad, sin dejar de ser una persona super amable y cercana y en segundo lugar porque siempre está disponible para ayudarte, resolver dudas o explicarte lo que necesites Lo recomiendo 100%.
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Rated with 5.0 out of 5 stars basadas en 54 opiniones de clientes.
Gema Rodriguez
Muy satisfecha con el tratamiento que me hiciste en la cara, yo siempre fui reticente, pero me dejé aconsejar por ti y no me arrepiento, me veo estupenda .
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Xiomara Gámez
Me he hecho una limpieza facial con oxyplus y vitaminas y también me puse ácido hialurónico en los labios y con ambas cosas he salido muy contenta. Lo recomiendo totalmente
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Nerea Marín
Muchas gracias Nelson por la profesionalidad de aconsejarme que era lo que más necesitaba, siempre acorde con mi tipo de cara y mi edad. Ojalá hubiera más médicos como tú que saben cuando hay que poner límites. Muy muy satisfecha🥰
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