Treatment of Hyperhidrosis with neuromodulators.
Hyperhidrosis is a condition caused by excessive sweating caused by overactivity of the sweat glands that produce more sweat than necessary. This alteration usually begins in childhood or puberty and normally lasts throughout life.

Key points

Hyperhidrosis is a condition caused by excessive sweating caused by overactivity of the sweat glands that produce more sweat than necessary. This alteration usually begins in childhood or puberty and normally lasts throughout life.
Treatment of Hyperhidrosis with neuromodulators.

Key points

Hyperhidrosis is a problem that affects many people, with excessive sweating. It is divided into primary and secondary, with different causes. Neuromodulators are effective in treating hyperhidrosis by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine. Its application in specific areas has long-lasting and safe effects. Compared to surgeries, it is less invasive and without serious side effects. Consultation with Doctor Nelson Cáceres is essential to determine your suitability.

Hyperhidrosis: a condition that affects quality of life

Hyperhidrosis is a disorder that can significantly impact the quality of life of people who suffer from it. It is characterized by excessive sweat production, beyond what is necessary to regulate body temperature.

Primary and secondary hyperhidrosis: fundamental differences

  • Primary hyperhidrosis, also known as essential, usually manifests itself in young people and is characterized by focal sweating in specific areas of the body.
  • On the other hand, secondary hyperhidrosis is a symptom of some underlying disease, such as neurological or endocrine disorders, and is usually more generalized.

Excessive sweating focused on the palms of the hands caused by primary hyperhidrosis.
Primary hyperhidrosis is characterized by excessive sweating focused on specific areas of the body such as the palms of the hands.

Factors that influence hyperhidrosis

There are various factors that can influence hyperhidrosis, such as nervous stress, genetics, and the presence of underlying diseases. These elements can trigger or aggravate the problem of excessive sweating, affecting the quality of life of those who experience it.

Treatments for hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis can be treated in a variety of ways, from conventional options to more advanced treatments with neuromodulators.

Conventional treatments for hyperhidrosis

  • Use of special antiperspirants to control excessive sweating.
  • Measures such as wearing breathable clothing and avoiding situations that may trigger sweating.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with neuromodulators

Neuromodulators are an effective alternative to inhibit excessive sweating, acting on the release of acetylcholine in the sweat glands.

It is a temporary treatment that blocks sweat production by applying botulinum toxin (Botox) to the desired area, reducing excessive sweating.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating with neuromodulators through micro injections.
Localized administration of neuromodulators through microinjections in specific areas.

How neuromodulators work

  • They work by blocking the nerve signal that triggers excessive sweating.
  • They allow you to precisely control the amount of sweat produced in the affected areas.

Application process and duration of effects

The administration of neuromodulators is carried out through microinjections in specific areas, and the effects are usually noticeable in a few days, lasting approximately four to six months.

Areas that can be treated

Armpits, palms of the hands, soles of the feet and forehead.

Benefits of treatment with neuromodulators

Neuromodulators offer an effective alternative to treat hyperhidrosis, with several notable benefits:

Comparison with surgical procedures

  • It does not require general anesthesia, which reduces the risk associated with surgery.
  • Non-invasive process, with microinjections in the affected area.
  • Fewer side effects compared to surgery, such as compensatory hypersweating.

Effectiveness and long-term results

Neuromodulators act by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine, which effectively controls excessive sweating. The effects are usually noticeable in a few days and last approximately six months, providing a long-lasting solution for those who suffer from primary hyperhidrosis. Furthermore, as it is a less invasive treatment than surgery, it offers satisfactory results without compromising the patient's quality of life in the long term.

Consultation with Doctor Nelson Cáceres

Consultation with Doctor Nelson Cáceres is essential to determine if hyperhidrosis treatment with neuromodulators is appropriate for each particular case. Here personalized care is provided in the field of aesthetic medicine, ensuring an individualized and professional approach.

How to determine if treatment is appropriate

  • Doctor Nelson Cáceres will perform a thorough evaluation of each patient's hyperhidrosis condition.
  • Medical history and clinical history will be studied to determine the appropriateness of treatment with neuromodulators.
  • Factors such as the extent of excessive sweating and response to previous treatments will be considered.

Personalized care in aesthetic medicine

The personalized aesthetic medicine care provided by Doctor Nelson Cáceres guarantees an individualized and careful approach for each patient. A welcoming and professional environment is provided, where the patient's well-being and comfort is prioritized throughout the process of treating hyperhidrosis with neuromodulators.

Neuromodulator treatments

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Muy satisfecha con el tratamiento que me hiciste en la cara, yo siempre fui reticente, pero me dejé aconsejar por ti y no me arrepiento, me veo estupenda .
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Muy contenta con el Dr. Nelson Cáceres. En primer lugar por su profesionalidad, sin dejar de ser una persona super amable y cercana y en segundo lugar porque siempre está disponible para ayudarte, resolver dudas o explicarte lo que necesites Lo recomiendo 100%.
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Me realicé un tratamiento de rejuvenecimiento facial y quedé realmente sorprendido para bien con el resultado y la duracion.
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Gema Rodriguez
Muy satisfecha con el tratamiento que me hiciste en la cara, yo siempre fui reticente, pero me dejé aconsejar por ti y no me arrepiento, me veo estupenda .
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Xiomara Gámez
Me he hecho una limpieza facial con oxyplus y vitaminas y también me puse ácido hialurónico en los labios y con ambas cosas he salido muy contenta. Lo recomiendo totalmente
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Muchas gracias Nelson por la profesionalidad de aconsejarme que era lo que más necesitaba, siempre acorde con mi tipo de cara y mi edad. Ojalá hubiera más médicos como tú que saben cuando hay que poner límites. Muy muy satisfecha🥰
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